Monday, July 04, 2011

Date with hubby

Posted by Dawn at Monday, July 04, 2011
Always look forward to dates with my hubby as we have similar interests--food and movies. Typical Singaporean stuff. Anyway,because its youth day holiday, we went to Suntec to watch Transformers which I absolutely loved!

I am not sure if its my brother's influence..but since young, I always enjoy guys' stuff like playing computer games, cars, robots, action, super heroes etc.

Anyway, after the show, we went to have lunch at Aston Specialties. I ordered my usual sirloin steak while CT ordered a super burger which was DISGUSTINGLY OILY and FATTENING!

The burger had deep fried onion rings in it. I felt this dish would cause an immediate heart attack after eating it.

Anyway, after lunch, we had dessert at Andersen's of Denmark.

I was stuffed and bloated. Wanted to go home already but CT insisted on getting his free Latte at Spinelli's which I still have no idea why people would pay about $6 for this?!!! It was bitter and yucky! I hate coffee...

Nevertheless, we had a great time together and taking the train home!


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