Saturday, March 29, 2008

New car arrived

Posted by Dawn at Saturday, March 29, 2008
We collected our new car- Honda Airwave on Thursday, 27 March 2008 in the evening. It's nice to have a new car when everything just smells so new...

Here's CT driving it this morning on our way to the Hougang wet market for buying of groceries and for breakfast.

And there's Caleb sitting on it..

There are actually 2 CNG stickers at the front and back of the car as its compulsory by LTA to place it. So, if ever you see a black Honda Airwave on the road with the CNG(Compressed Natural Gas) stickers, its most likely my car since there are only about few hundred cars using CNG only in whole of Singapore.

Comments on CNG so far? I love it! Well, the only small little downside is that its not as powerful as using petrol and you can tell when you start off the car with CNG but once the car is cruising along the expressway, you cant really tell the difference. But I love it so much because its so cheap! Its only about $10 per pump. And each pump can travel for 280 km. So, we have really saved a lot from this until one night, CT just decided to bring me and Caleb out for a drive round Punggol..just for fun. In times like this when the petrol prices are increasing, here we are, trying to 'waste' it happily.

It's also good to have CNG because you can also have the flexibility to toggle between using petrol or gas just by pressing a button. So, you can still use petrol if you like. But ever since we have the CNG tank installed, we hardly use petrol...

But above all these reasons, it is also environmentally friendly..and if you think it in the practical sense, the government will also give you a rebate if you have CNG. So, in the end, your car will be about 2k cheaper off the usual price. With so many benefits, I do hope more Singaporeans will install CNG tanks in their cars to help save the environment.

Ok, will take more pictures of our car when I have the mood. Hehe..


Hebrew_Star on Tuesday, April 08, 2008 said...

Cool!!! HOw many litres does $10 give you these days in SG?

The fuel prices are rising here in US and is expected to hit a hight of $4! Unbelievable! Thank God my work place is near our home and Jeff company pays his gas!


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