Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Day after hurricane in morning

Posted by Dawn at Wednesday, August 31, 2005
This morning, woke up at 6:30am since I slept early last night. It was bright already and the weather was great. It was cooling and sunny. I excitedly went out to breathe the fresh air and to buy newspapers since no TV. However, it was sunday's newspapers instead of Monday's. But I still bought it as I wanted to read something about the hurricane.
I quickly woke CT up so that we can walk around to see the damage the hurricane has done. So, we walked and checked out the area after breakfast in the dark..with some light coming in.

Many trees were uprooted as well as parts of trees broken away. The floor and roads were very messy with leaves and branches.

We even managed to walk out to the roads to see the shops and road conditions..

We were shocked to see the damage it did to the shops and yet, our apartment was protected though it was the same area.


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