A little scared because Caleb is one tough kid to look after. He is quite particular and stubborn, aside from being hyper-active.
Anyway, I took up the 'challenge' and it was really no joke. I felt I was undergoing some kind of 'trial' or something to that extent. I was exhausted and relieved when CT came home at about 1:30pm.
First of all in the morning, I took him to the park downstairs. I bought my breakfast and got a 'pau' for him. Yes, he loves eating char siew pau but only the flour part of course. So we had our breakfast together. Then when it was close to 9am, which was his next feeding and sleeping time, I bathed him first. After which, I knew he was hungry. So I made milk and let him drink. Usually, he would fall right asleep after his milk especially when he finishes all his milk which was what happened this morning. But because I think he somehow knows that I am not Vicky,he didnt fall asleep.
I tried putting him to sleep but he just refuses. He would turn his body and crawl straight out of his bed to play. Sigh. Mission failed. Tried umpteen times, but kept failing...until at about 10 plus am, somehow, he managed to fall asleep in my arms. I was celebrating in my heart as I didnt want to move or wake him up. It was a situation where I just kept so still.
Then I was wondering to myself..when should I place him on the bed? What if he wakes up and do not go back to sleep? So, he was sleeping in my arms for what seemed like forever (but in reality, maybe it wasnt that long). And when I finally decided to place him on the bed, it worked. He continued sleeping. I quickly sms CT about my victorious feat and told him not to call me at home but sms instead lest he wakes Caleb up. Yes, I was super scared to wake this boy up. I quickly made use of this opportunity to do my own things.
I was left alone to do my own things at 10:45am, and at 11am, I heard cries from the room! Argghhhh! I tried to put him back to sleep knowing that he is still tired, but I just couldnt. He realised that I am not Vicky. So, to pacify him, I end up playing with him.
I was cooking my own lunch while he was playing. I cooked steam egg and fried cabbage with dried shrimps with rice for my lunch. Wanted something simple. After lunch, I tried feeding Caleb with porridge that was prepared early in the morning already...but he didnt want any. I was frustrated a little because he was so stubborn. He didnt even want to try.
So, once he didnt want to eat, I place the porridge back into the pot and continued playing with him, reading to him, switching on the TV to entertain him etc etc.
When CT came home, he tried feeding Caleb but still he refuses to eat. Sigh. What a test of patience.
Then, we went out as a family to Macdonalds by just walking over to Sengkang across the overhead bridge. I gave Caleb a little of the bun and he ate. Sigh. Guess he just doesnt like porridge.
When Vicky finally came home at about 6 plus pm, Caleb was already exhausted and thus, cranky. Haha..what to do? We concluded that Caleb only wanted Vicky to put him to sleep.
My thoughts....well, I feel disappointed of course that I cant put Caleb to sleep. But guess I can fully understand why he behaves like that as I am not spending as much time as what Vicky does with him.
And not forgetting, kudos to all stay-at-home mums! It is really not easy to be alone with your kids especially when they are so active and want only your attention! Its really very self-sacrificing to do all that and having no time for yourself.
Anyway, I will make sure that I will be able to 'win over' my second one. Haha.
You are very brave to have embarked on the 2nd 'project', I am still not certain I want to have no. 2. Your little one is very similar to mine, he has to be carried to sleep (plus it has to be done by my helper) and he is a little energizer bunny - he can go on and on...
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