Friday, May 18, 2012

BBQ nite

Posted by Dawn at Friday, May 18, 2012
The weather in Singapore has been so humid...I would definitely enjoy BBQ more if the weather was cooler. But nevertheless, I still love eating BBQ food. My student's parent invited me and the Robotic students over to her place for BBQ to celebrate our achievements in US. It was a very nice gesture which I would probably do for my child too! Ha.

Anyway, I went over to school to pick my students up and went over to the house for BBQ. It was a very unique house which I have never seen before! Unique because I felt like I was visiting Underwater world!

Check out the food! Not easy to have BBQ for just 10 people. So I was glad there wasnt too much food!

Took this picture because the BBQ pit looks really cute with this amount of food on it!

It was seriously cook as you eat kind of BBQ...whatever we felt like eating, we just put our stick there..

Students were entertained by the Xbox Kinect dancing game

Amusing the dog with the laser nerf gun

As well as feeding the arowana fish and monster-looking-fish with frog!

Had a great time esp when I found out that my student's parent purposely roasted beef in the oven for me as she knew I love to eat beef. Touched! ;)


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