Saturday, July 07, 2012

Public Service Swimming Meet 2012

Posted by Dawn at Saturday, July 07, 2012
Every year, I would make sure I take part in this swimming competition so as to get freebies and as well a good reason to keep fit. Here's this year's goodies!
Every year, I would take part in the maximum number of events which is 5 events. This year, I took part in 400m free, 50m free,50m back, and 2 relays. I was surprised that I actually got a gold for my 50m free (improving my last year's time) and getting a 3rd position for 50m back as the competition gets tougher each year especially with more foreign talent and more publicity for this meet.
My family came later to support me as this meet started at 8am to about 3pm. The children managed to have fun in the pool.
My ex-student, Lycia came to support me. Was touched!
I enjoyed myself as Christmas came early for me and with the good company of family and friends, what more can I ask for?


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