Sunday, August 05, 2007


Posted by Dawn at Sunday, August 05, 2007
Last night, Caleb was crying so much that I went over to take a look. Vicky told me that he has not been sleeping well as he cannot breathe properly through his nose. He was breathing quite heavily. I was worried, so got onto the internet at that time, which was 5 am to search if there was any baby/child clinic that opens 24 hours or on sundays.

After searching for a few, I went back and talked to CT about it. We talked from 5 plus am till about 7 am about how best to take care of Caleb and anything and everything under the sun. We just shared and talked. It was nice.

This morning, we woke up officially at about 8am as we were woken up by loud noises in the park as the people were testing the mics and getting ready for a celebration of national day downstairs.We went to see Caleb and saw there was something in his nose, which explains why he couldnt breathe properly. Vicky told us she tried using a cotton bud but didnt dare to put it in because his nostril is so small and was afraid we would push it even further in.

CT and I went out for breakfast in a coffeeshop which was further away in Punggol.We had to drive there. I had Mee Rebus, while CT had a very nice prata. I would say nicer than Jln Kayu..cos its fluffy and crispy.

After eating, we passed by a clinic which was open and so we thought of going home to fetch Caleb and bring him to the clinic to clear his nose. However, as we got back, CT suddenly had a brillant idea to use a ear digger to try getting the thing out from his nose. And so we did..and it worked!!

Ok, the following pictures are not for the faint-hearted. Be is what was inside Caleb's nose! That thing was even bigger than the size of his nostril!

We were so glad to have taken it out and saved on the doc's fee..


Anonymous said...

You can try buying "Fess Little Noses" if it is available in Singapore. I used it on my little one when she has booga stucked in her nostrils. It is actually a saline thingy where you drip into the nose to soften the booga then use the nasal aspirator to "suck" it out.

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