However, my thinking has changed now that I have a child. Firstly, I do not like people to force me into doing something I do not feel like doing. So, I will not do likewise to my child. So then, what is the reason for getting Caleb baptised?
First of all, CT and I truly believe that Caleb came about not by accident or by our family planning works, but by God's divine intervention and purpose. I wanted Caleb to go through the infant baptism to openly and publicly declare that CT and I wish to dedicate our son, Caleb to God, who has graciously given him to us.
This infant baptism is more for the parents to commit the family to the Lord by bringing Caleb up in the ways of the Lord-teach him, guide him, pray together with him etc. Basically, telling God that,"Yes, I will commit myself to bringing up Caleb in every way pleasing to the Lord."
Of course when Caleb grows up, I will give him the choice as to whether he wants to be a Christian or not but at the mean time, it is my responsibility to bring him up as God directs.
Here is Caleb's wet hair after the sprinkling of the water..
When the pastor put the water on Caleb's head and prayed for him, CT mentioned to me after the service that he felt God's presence and hand upon Caleb. Wow..
Marianne's family and my family were there to support.
Here is my niece, Janine who was hyperactive...
Janine was having fun interacting with the other babies in church.
Caleb was sleeping away soundly the whole time amidst all that was happening around him.
Here is Janine unwrapping the present Marianne got for baby Caleb. She unwrapped it rather gently and slowly.
After the service, we went home to feed Caleb and change to go out for lunch at Changi Airport Crystal Jade with my family and Marianne's family.
We ordered lots of finger food and dim sum. My favourite dim sum is always the chicken feet, steam pork ribs and century egg porridge.
Here is Phoebe (my god-daughter) trying to talk to Caleb as he just woke up..
And here is Caleb dazed
At night, we went Bukit Batok as usual for dinner at my sister-in-law's place since she is still under confinement. Here is Caleb all by himself as we had our dinner..
What a long day...
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