He is one active, strong and curious boy...very curious. He loves to go to the kitchen to open up drawers and takes things out. So I have considered child-proofing the drawers and cupboards as well so that they cannot open it up. There would be a catch if try to open. However, it takes drilling holes into the drawers which I am against as this is just a phase but if I drill, it will be forever. Moreover, we have no drill.
So, here's Vicky's idea of child proofing..
It's a great idea but just ugly. Oh well, at least I can take it out anytime I want to.
Do you know one day as I opened my cupboard to take out a pot to cook dinner, I found a CD inside the pot?? I really do not know whether to laugh it off or scold him. He just enjoys taking things and placing them in some inconspicious place.
Another thing we do not like Caleb to do is to always touch his belly button. Everytime he wakes up and lies in bed, he would be touching and digging his belly button. If we do not stop him, his belly button will soon turn red.
So in the day time, in order to prevent him from doing so, this was what we did!
We make him wear baby rompers!! Actually, since he was about 7 months plus, we have stopped making him wear rompers because it just looks too babyish. I prefer him to wear usual shorts and tees. But now, its the return of rompers- no choice!
Now, he is back to looking like a baby! I think Caleb has taught me a lot on how to improvise and to think out of the box by trying to tackle his problems so as to prevent him destroying the house and as well as hurting himself.