After the ceremony, I rushed off to my mum-in-law's place for dinner as it was mid-autumn festival. This is the time where hotels push their sales of different, strange sounding mooncakes which you just dont understand how it will taste nice. All sorts of shapes, sizes, colours and taste.
Well, I still prefer the traditional kind- lotus paste with egg yolk. Few slices of that and hot chinese tea satisfies me fully.
My mum-in-law served us more than that. We had steamed yam as well as pomelo fruits too!
After dinner, we rushed home as we knew my house's playground would have some sort of celebration-just like every year.
Despite feeling very tired since I was whole day in school, havent bathed. I quickly put down my bag at home, changed and then brought the kids down to play with their lanterns and to enjoy the full moon in the sky.
It was fun as every kid was carrying a different kind of lantern. There were the noisy electronic ones, the colourful ones with lots of different cartoon characters as well as the traditional ones with candles.
Many families got together to light up candles along the pavement.
I was also amazed at this family with many generations that got together for mooncake and tea. They seemed to be having a picnic at night!
It was really nice watching families getting together to play and celebrate this festival.
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