Friday, June 03, 2005

Dad woke up...

Posted by Dawn at Friday, June 03, 2005
Today, when we went to visit dad, the doctor asked us if we like to talk to him. Then of course we said yes. So, they took away his sedation so that he can wake up and when we called him, he woke up and we kept assuring him that we are with him and God is with him. He opened his eyes and wanted to try and talk to us..but we had absolute no clue as to what he wants to say to us as no voice came out and his jaw is broken. So, he was having a difficult time..but he can answer us by nodding his head or saying no.

We were very happy that he can respond and he is clear in his mind what is going on. We kept telling him that all of us are ok and everyone back home is praying for him and loves him. We told him to only concentrate on getting well and not to worry about the rest. However, he kept wanting to talk and it pains us to see him trying so hard to talk but cannot. So, we said, "Just rest and recuperate. Do not strain yourself as we could not understand what he was trying to say." We also started singing to him especially his favourite Christian songs to assure him that God is with him.

I am sure my dad will pull through as my dad is a very strong man. From young, he has always been encouraging me and saying words like, "Get up and win the race" and I do hope that this race, he will be able to get up and be strong.

My dad now is depending less on the oxygen from the machine and depend less on the drip which keeps the blood pressure it is a good thing. He has been recovering very well and everything is doing well.

God is merciful and He always allow things to happen for a purpose and everything is done out of His love for us. I pray that more people will come to know the Lord through this accident.


Hebrew_Star on Friday, June 03, 2005 said...

AMEN!!!! Woo-hoo!!! HI DADDY!!! BIG HUGS. :o)

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