Thursday, June 30, 2005

Turned secretary..

Posted by Dawn at Thursday, June 30, 2005
Today, CT called me early in the morning and told me that he has been told when he will be going back to Singapore for good. We will probably be going back in the end of January-just in time for Chinese New Year. The 1st phase of colleagues will be going back in Oct while the 2nd phase going back in March/April. CT belongs to the 1.5 phase..:)

I am very happy as we have been praying and asked God to help us in settling all these as initially, we all thought we would go back in April and I felt it is too long as my leave is up to March. So, it will be troublesome for me to go back Singapore alone first. So, I am very happy of this arrangement that we will be going back in Jan. God does answer prayer and settles our worries.

This week is Indep day weekend and we will be going to Chicago from 2-5 July. After that, on the 6 July, CT and some of his colleagues need to make a trip to Loudon, Tennessee for business and CT is coordinating this trip. So, he called and told me to source for a hotel to stay.I suddenly became his secretary. Ha! This trip would be for 3 weeks and so, what I looked out for is a kitchen and internet access. So, I managed to find 5 options for CT and emailed to him and asked him to choose as each hotel has both plus and minus points. In the end, he chose "Residence Inn (Marriott)" as it has full kitchen facilities in the room, free high speed internet access in room, dishwasher etc. That was the most expensive hotel in my list. Oh well, it is great cos its paid by company. I will be going with him so I will def make use of the kitchen. I will be spending a lot of time with Gek Teng as we will be alone in the hotel and it will be a good time to talk with her and to know her better.
There will also be a swimming pool and fitness centre. So, hope to get in a good shape after the 3 weeks. Ha.

After the trip, it will prob be time for me to go back to Singapore for a week. So, there will be a lot of travelling done. We will be driving from here to Loudon, Tennessee. It is about 8 hours drive. Hope CT will be able to take the long drive esp since we just come back from Chicago at midnight and we will be leaving at 9am next day. Rush rush...

Me and Gek Teng has already planned to go back to Smoky Mountains, Gatlinburg in Tennessee and to do white water rafting in Chattanooga, Tennessee when we go to stay in Loudon, Tennessee as it is not far from there. I was supposed to do white water rafting with my parents when they came here but because of the accident, (which was a day before our trip to Tennessee for white water rafting), we could not go. So, I hope to still do rafting there....Whenever things like this come up, I think of my parents, esp my dad and start to get knots in my heart as I miss him very much and I just cannot believe that my parents' trip here became like unexpected.

Pray my dad will be out of ICU soon and can breathe on his own. I last heard from my mum that he has been trying to rely on his own lungs but he still depends on the ventilator at times. My dad has always been very active and it must be tough for him to stay in bed for so long. One month (from the accident) has passed so quickly and he must be having bad bedsores..

Tonight, when CT came home, we went out to eat at a new buffet Chinese restaurant. They have a 20% off because of the opening. So, we thought we should make use of the discount and eat there. The food was not as nice as I expected. Was rather disappointed but it has a lot of varieties. Guess it will be my first and last time there since there are so many Chinese restaurants everywhere. :)


Hebrew_Star on Friday, July 01, 2005 said...

Welcome to my world!! ;o)

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