Saturday, July 16, 2005

Another hurricane coming up

Posted by Dawn at Saturday, July 16, 2005
This morning, CT left at 630am. His work is from 8am to 8pm. But he usually needs to reach there one hour earlier to take over the shift work. So actually, he is working 13 hours, rather than 12. I stayed 'home' today as I need to cook dinner for CT when he come back. So, if I go out with Kok Fong and the rest, I would not have time to prepare dinner.

I spent the whole day editing my photos which I took in Chicago and here in Tennessee, also watching TV and reading a book. Cooked chicken corn soup today-added mixed veggies, cream of corn, crab meat and diced chicken thigh. Another dish I cooked was potato with minced meat.

There has been news about another hurricane coming up, called Hurricane Emily. The names of the hurricane are in alphabetical order. It seems that hurricane Emily will just miss us and go west. The recent hurricane dennis also just missed us and slightly to the east of my area.

Heard that Hurricane Emily has killed one person is traveling in South America area..

Makes me appreciate the security in Singapore even more... :)

CT came home at 815pm...had a good simple dinner and then watched TV together. We were watching "Into the West"-a drama serial directed by Steven Spielberg. It is a new series about red indians. The number of drama serials in US is amazing. There are always new ones coming well as reality shows. They have so many reality shows that you cannot believe it..I like reality shows because you see the bad side of humans and it gives you a better understanding of people..and what they are like.


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