Monday, July 11, 2005

Different shift

Posted by Dawn at Monday, July 11, 2005
This morning, me and Gek Teng waited for him to come back and bathe first before we went down for breakfast together. As usual, CT would talk about his work and what he did that night. He seems to be more busy than the rest during his shift.

There is not much update on Dennis already and I heard from my church friend in Mobile. She told me that Mobile just had like a thunderstorm and rain. Nothing much happened. Really thank God. No wonder He assured me to just have faith in Him and leave everything to Him.

Today, did not do much. As usual, when CT is sleeping after breakfast, I would turn the volume of my TV down and just do my own stuff. Played computer game today and read newspapers while he slept.

After he woke up at about 5 plus pm, we met for dinner at 7pm with the rest. We went to "Outback Steakhouse" near our apartment. It is my second time there to the same restaurant. Ordered a 9 oz steak, while CT ordered fish. He was sick of steak already. Jaimie could not finish, so she da bao the food and gave to CT for his night shift. His shift is midnight to 8am (8 hours). So, it is much better. At least he can eat dinner at more decent hours.

Here are some pics of my hotel room..



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