Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Standing tall

Posted by Dawn at Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Since Caleb hit 7 months old, he has been trying to stand up. He has been a very "jumpy" baby since he was only few weeks old. So, his legs have all along been very strong.

Lately, he has been trying to stand up, from a crawling position.

Here's Caleb on my bed.

Pictures blurred because he would jump while standing and I was taking with my handphone.

He would stand up by himself, unassisted. He would just grab my leg or shirt so tightly to pull himself up.So proud of him!

Here's Caleb standing tall at 7 months old..


Jo on Tuesday, March 04, 2008 said...

Wow!!! Your boy is really special! I think the average age for a baby to try to stand would be at least 9 months right??

Way to go, Caleb!

Dawn on Thursday, March 06, 2008 said...

i have no idea what is the average age for them to start standing up. All I know I have one active baby! hehe

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