Thursday, October 20, 2005

more parcels..

Posted by Dawn at Thursday, October 20, 2005
Today, CT's colleague, Anthony called me and the first thing he said was "Good morning" and his voice sounded hoarse that I thought it was my dad. Haha.. I said, "HELLO" (enthusiastically) and suddenly realised it was not my dad when he started telling me about the parcel coming. What a boo boo.

His girlfriend, Salynn ordered a parcel for him and will deliver to my place as he is usually not around becos of work. Just when I went out to get mail this afternoon, I saw the UPS truck heading my way and I quickly turned around and walked back to my apartment as it really stopped at my apartment car park.

It was a long box..think it is bowling ball as well as I told Salynn about my friend, Esther buying bowling balls from Ebay at a good price...Salynn and Anthony plays bowling as I think she got that! haha..

It is fun receiving so many parcels but yet, none for me..sobsob..haha.. If they were all mine, it would be like Christmas--so fun. Esther, who would be coming down, has ordered so many packages and she would have a great time opening them up and checking her presents!! Here is a picture of her goodies!!

She said there are more to exciting. Haha..

I guess lots of online shopping websites like ebay or Amazon is cheaper if shipped within US. There are really a lot of great stuff to buy from there and at a gd price cos sometimes, they sell it second-hand. I recently bought a used story book(in good condition) for my god-daughter in Amazon. America is a great place to do online shopping and they have websites that has great rebates and all. I hardly purchase stuff online in Singapore..but when I am here, I practically look at Amazon website or my computer website to see if any good deals to buy.

The weather now has been cold in the morning. There was once, the temperature actually dropped to 9 degrees at 6 plus am. CT told me that he can blow "smoke" in morning. So cool..i love such weather. So, he brings a jacket to work and tonight, while watching TV, I tried it on and CT took a picture of me. His jacket is so stiff that he made me look like a sumo wrestler..gdness!


Hebrew_Star on Saturday, October 22, 2005 said...

Oh My Gosh!! That many parcels!! eeeks!! sorry pai se... *blush*...

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