Monday, December 18, 2006

Charlotte's Web Movie Preview

Posted by Dawn at Monday, December 18, 2006
Every morning whenever I turned on my TV to have my breakfast, it would be CNA as it is the default channel. There was one friday when I switched on, and it was featuring the upcoming show, Charlotte's Web and the contest for the viewers to participate and answer a question posed in the CNA website over the internet.

So since I was bored, after my breakfast, I went to answer the question-"Who was the author of Charlotte's Web?" Well, I am not much a reader and I know Charlotte's Web has been many student's literature book and I know it is a very popular book. However, since I am not much a reader, I made a guess in my head and thought it was George Orwell. stupid and ignorant right? I know that guy is probably the author to Animal Farm or something like that. But I always thought or imagined Animal Farm and Charlotte's Web is about the same book.

Anyway, due to the advance of technology and being more internet savvy than picking up a book to read, I went into my trusted yahoo search, went to wikipedia and found the answer to confirm it and of course, I was wrong. So, I gave the full name of the author Elwyn Brooks White just to impress the judges, gave my personal details and click Submit.Results will be announced one week later.

Exactly one week later on Friday, I happened to wake up the same time and as usual, turned on my TV and they happed to show the same segment where they introduced a book or movie, and they were introducing a new one. So, I thought to myself that I had missed the results and went on to tell myself that I wouldnt win anyway.

But who knows as I was about to change channels, they talked about Charlotte's Web and reminded the viewers about the contest last week. I quickly stayed on the channel and waited for the results. They said there were close to 600 contestants and when I heard that, my heart dropped cos I thought no one would catch CNA at such a time like 8 plus am..since most would be working..Housewives would usually watch other shows than CNA, so, how is it possible to have so many contestants? Sigh..

So, they said they have picked up 3 winners. In my mind, I was like,"Oh boy..only 3 out of 600? Gone lah..sure cannot get." So, they went on to announce the first winner..and obviously, I wasnt expecting much already..then they announced the second winner, my heart sank and just thought thats it. Why am I still staying on this channel? And when they announced the last winner, they said, "Dawn Ling!" I was like" What??! Are you serious?? This cannot be?" So I quickly recorded that few mins of glory into my DVD recordable and quickly called CT excitedly and happily! Haha..

I won 4 movie preview tickets, a movie poster and "Wilbur" soft toy. I said I would like to give the soft toy to my baby when he/she is borned. CT told me how apt since next year is year of the pig! haha!

So last Saturday, I went with CT and my parents to the Singapore Zoo for the movie preview by the lake. I invited my parents cos my dad prob had not seen a movie for ages and I thought he would like to visit the zoo. Slightly disappointed as it was actually like a picnic event where people laid their mats and catch the movie. I didnt want to sit on the ground as I was certain I would feel very uncomfortable. So, we sat inside the pavilion with seats provided but it was so far from the screen.

We went earlier to have dinner there..

On our way to the lake, we passed by some animals and managed to take some pictures of it.

(Having problems posting up the pictures as it refused to appear after uploading. Will do so once this works again..)


Hebrew_Star on Tuesday, December 19, 2006 said...

Congratulations!! :o) That's really great news!! :o) Enjoy the show - its a very touching movie - bring tissues... even Steve Curtis Chapman cried...

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