Anyway, was pretty excited to be able to celebrate with them at church today. Even more so since its Caleb and Danielle's first time attending a church wedding.
Weddings are a happy wedding. But deep down, behind the grand affair and facade, I do have burdens for married couples. I pray that each married couple who says their wedding vows, will mean what they say and remember it for the rest of their lives. I pray that they will take it seriously and be someone who will keep that promise.
I can foresee this being a more prevalent problem as time passes as more and more youths these days treat relationships lightly and loosely. More of them head towards instant gratification. I don't blame them as society is such. We are becoming a more affluent society as their parents are rich. So naturally, they are rich. With money so easily obtained to them, they buy what they like and see. Their parents spoil them. They buy whatever their children want to 'make up' for lost time since they are hardly around, busy working.
So with such a mentality, I am so afraid that whatever the young people these days meet up with problems, they will just leave the problem and go for "greener pastures" as well (without thinking that they would probably end up facing problems elsewhere as well..maybe even bigger problems). They run.
The same for marriage. It is not easy for 2 different people, from different family backgrounds coming together and staying together. There will def be quarrels and bickering. So most would just think of divorcing as its so easy to just run away from problems. They would probably think that there would def be someone better for me. Why should I stay in this marriage with this person who makes me unhappy?
I pray sincerely that as a parent now with 2 kids, I would be able to role model to my children that nothing comes easy. Everything takes time, patience and effort.
I shall leave you all with a principle which my colleague shared with me..
It's the A.E.I.O.U Principle.
A- Adversity quotient- how tough are you in difficult times/situations
E- Emotional quotient- how you react socially with people, manage your emotions when faced with diff situations
I- Intelligent quotient- assesses your intelligence and logical skills
O- Opportunities - able to make use of opportunities that come your way and make the best use out of it.
U- U-turn - when you made a mistake, realise and admit your mistakes and do not continue with it. Avoid making the same mistakes. Make a u-turn.
Anyway, hope we can all keep this in mind as we mold our future generation..our children.
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