Upon reaching there, Pamela was busy making name tags for the children who came in as well as doing balloon sculpturing to keep them occupied.
When most of the kids came, they played games. They were supposed to stick the donkey's tail on the right spot.
Caleb had a go too! And guess what?
He won! Was very surprised considering he was the youngest contestant up against children 2-3 years older than him.
This was his reward which he immediately ate!
The kids were served this for dinner while the adults had their BBQ dinner outside out of the function room.
Caleb was 'dressed' as spiderman. I did go Toys R us to see if there were any costumes but figured it would be cheaper to just get him a mask. So here's what he wore.
As for Danielle, she was dressed normally.
I didn't want to go through all the trouble of getting her a costume which she wouldn't wear as she can be very picky!
And all birthdays end with a cake and its usually the highlight as guests would fix their eyes on the cake box and get ready all their cameras to capture the beautiful cake.
So Asher turns 3! Same age as Caleb.
Happy Birthday Asher!
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