Thursday, October 24, 2013

Define Success

Posted by Dawn at Thursday, October 24, 2013
What does success mean to you as a parent? What is your vision for your family and children? A few days ago, my friend shared a video clip on facebook which really reinforces what I want my children to grow up to be.

Take a look!

I know this world teaches us that success is about making it big in life- to be rich, own a landed property, drive big cars, have children who are doctors or lawyers etc etc. There is nothing wrong with that but does it really matter in the end?

When I was a teacher and even now, I tell parents,who are worried about their children's studies, that they should not worry and fret over their child who is not doing well. They can be late bloomers or just not cut out to study.

To me, what's important is that the child learn life skills, develop perseverance, do their best in everything they do, be kind and compassionate, be confident etc. These are more important as this will bring them further in life and prepare them for eternity as they pass down the same set of skills to the next generation.

Year in, year out. when I teach my Secondary 4 for their final O Level exams in the past, those who didn't do well in the exams, also eventually went to polytechnic or ITE, passed and have a good job which they enjoy doing. They are also the ones who keeps in contact with me and goes back to their old school to visit their teachers.

God does not expect perfection from us, parents. We just need to be faithful in what He has entrusted us with and continually endeavor to make the right choices so that our children receive such a foundation upon which a child can begin to build the fortress for his own life.


Reen said...

hi Dawn,

Thank you for sharing the video clip, its really meaning. As a sahm right now, i didn't regret given up the opportunity to climb that corporate ladder as it does not define the type of success or happiness it means to me in life. I must say it's not an easy decision as it involves lots of planning like financial aspect. However, I believe spending quality time with the kids during their growing years is far more important.

I read in a recent newspaper interview that you have just turned sahm recently, so dropping in your blog again and glad to see all the recent posts :) All the best in your new role and I believe you will find joy and contentment in doing this job.

I'm sure you be very busy when the elder one starts his P1 days in Jan next year, happy for you that he is able to enrol into a school close by. I did the same decision as well to put my elder girl into a nearby school, it really helps in terms of logistic and making sure the kids do not get tired out by travelling too far out.

All the best to you and family, enjoy these moments and time.

Dawn on Wednesday, November 06, 2013 said...

Thanks so much for your sharing and encouragement. This has been one of the best decisions I have made and will never regret staying home.

All the best to you and your family too!

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