Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Posted by Dawn at Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Most people have goals, aspirations, hopes, wishes, ideals. As a homemaker, my ideal is for my children to get into a purposeful routine where they do work most of the time without me telling, some time set aside for play and without wasting their time on meaningless activities like walking around the house like a zombie or wasting ink of whiteboard markers which I seem to replenish quite frequently.

Last meal spent in my house- Having a McDonalds Picnic
I have officially stopped my nanny duties after one month, when I helped to take care of a 8 year old girl who stays in the same block as me. Her mum did want to extend as her daughter enjoys playing with my children but I had to reject as my helper would be leaving very soon and I need to spend real quality time alone with my children,  trying to get them into a nice routine and  get used to doing housework all over again.

Right now the situation is far from ideal. The excuse is probably because my helper is still around. So, I am basically trying to take it as easy as I can right to the very second before she goes back home.

My helper, Wina with the children and cousins 

So for now, I basically do what I feel like doing- watching my American TV Series in bed, napping, cooking when I feel like it and reading to my children. Yup, that's about it. I am reassuring myself that I do deserve all these. After all, its only going to last about 10 more days. Yikes!


Sher on Wednesday, October 30, 2013 said...

best of luck with the adjustment! i'm sure it'll all go well.

Dawn on Thursday, October 31, 2013 said...

Thanks!! Like u said before, I will survive. I just have to live with a dirtier house. Ha

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