So, this afternoon, I decided to do some art and craft with them. You can do this with your kids too if you like. Its not that difficult.
I made snakes with Caleb and teach him about how the snake came about in the bible, in the beginning of time. I try to tie my activities to some sort of purpose so that they will not only enjoy but learn something from it too.
Firstly, you just draw the outline of the snake. Like this.
Then you just cut out circles or strips to decorate the snake. Or if you are lazy, you can just buy those circle stickers to decorate it. Then just draw the tongue, cut and stick.
Here's the outcome... (blue one is creased, all thanks to Danielle)
Here's another activity I did with them. Its also quite simple. Moreover, I had all the materials at home, without having to purposely go out to buy.
First, you need to have a paper bag, preferably white. Then you cut an arch out (on one sheet) so that your head could go in.
Then you cut strips of paper where you need to roll them up. Use a pencil to help you by rolling onto it. Then simple stick all the rolled up papers onto the paper bag.
Tada! The kids enjoyed themselves!
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