Here's what they do together..
Eating brings them together as Danielle would always want to eat whatever we are eating.
Here's both of them on the table
And when Caleb lies on the table..
Danielle would follow suit.
There was also a time when we took out a pacifier for Danielle to suck as her fingers were becoming ugly with bruises as she loves to suck them before she sleeps.
And when we took it out, Caleb wanted so much to suck it as well. So here's Caleb trying to smile while sucking the pacifier.
In the end, Danielle still didnt like the pacifier and preferred her tasty fingers!
So besides monkey see, monkey do activities, they love to play catching in our small house.
Caleb would try to hide behind doors while Danielle finds him and both would start screaming hysterically. Its funny but annoying as CT would try to shut them out as their voice can be really high pitched!
Life at home has definitely been made more interesting and livelier with the second one and if you ask me whether I would like a third one..I would just give you the stare as handling 2 active, noisy and highly emotional kids is quite trying. Dont get me wrong, but I do love having kids and it is a pure joy to see them grow up step by step.
Its probably not the noise that I have complains about as that will go away once they mature, but its the process of getting pregnant again and having that huge, inconvenient tummy for 9 months and staying in hospital for a few days simply puts off any idea of trying for another child.
In short, I hate staying in hospitals and feeling so unnatural as my hormones go haywire!
I would rather foster or adopt a child if I want number 3.
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