In the late afternoon, we went down to East Shore Hospital to visit Ally. Its a great feeling to be back at the hospital, where both Caleb and Danielle was born in. But this time round, I returned as a visitor and not a patient. So it feels great!
Keelia, my other sister-in-law's daughter was excited to see Caleb as usual and she kept wanting to hold Caleb's hand.
She also tried to kiss Caleb. Reaction from Caleb? Simple stunned and slightly hostile as he tried to push her hands away and tried to avoid her kiss. But eventually, she managed to kiss him.
Ok, and here's Keane (which initially we didnt know how to pronounce-is it as "keen" or "cane"?But as confirmed by the mum, its pronounced as "cane")
I didnt carry as I was having a bad cough. But here's CT with the baby.
All babies are cute and they look just so small and fragile. For once, Danielle suddenly looks big.
I remembered my pastor once said how a newborn is so 'useless' in the sense that they cant do anything-they cant talk, they cant help us in any way, they cant walk etc..but yet as parents, we would do all that we can to love them and protect them.
So if we, as earthly parents would do that to our newborns, what more God, the creator of us, would do? How much more love He would definitely shower upon us?
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