Friday, March 06, 2009

Trip to the Science Centre

Posted by Dawn at Friday, March 06, 2009
Today, CT took half day off to bring the family to the Science Centre as we had free admission and magic show tickets for 3 adults which my colleague passed to me as her daughter works in the Science Centre. We didnt want to go on weekends so as to avoid the crowd.

In the late morning, I took the kids and the helper on a train ride from our place all the way to Jurong East Station where CT would meet us there since he works in Jurong. It was quite fun having the kids around when you are travelling such a long journey. They were very well behaved.

Caleb was sitted nicely in the pram the whole time while Danielle was lying snugly in the sling. And for the first time, she was sucking her THUMB! She discovered it!

We had Macdonalds for lunch. Great deal as we had the McValue Lunch which costs only $4.50.

Caleb had his home cooked porridge and french fries too!

It wasnt easy for Caleb to sit still as there were lots of distractions. So we had to take turns to walk with him as the other would rush to eat their lunch.

There were a couple of interesting outdoor exhibits

When we first entered, Caleb was mesmerised by this as it turns and turns. He loves anything that turns round and round.

And there is Danielle looking around as well. We changed her clothes as she puked out her milk. Sigh.

Caleb was practially running around and exploring. Glad he has lots of space to run about.

He also enjoyed playing with his own shadow

Then we made our way to the magic show. There were a few exhibits which we were playing with it before the show. It was quite fun.

But during the show, Caleb grew cranky halfway into the show as he hasnt had his nap. So he was making lots of noise. CT and I had to distract him with something else. Ha. And we were sitting in front somemore. So paiseh. Ha

After the show, we walked for a bit more. We chanced upon this interesting station which takes a picture of you and then shows you your baby, child, adult, old pictures. It was so funny as we each took a photo and see whether Caleb or Danielle looks like us. Here's CT! (mine is too disgusting to be shown. Ha)

This is his original photo which the computer took of.

And this is his 'baby' picture...(which look so much like Caleb!!)

His 'child' picture..

And his 'older adult' picture..(which is quite scary but funny)

Too bad Caleb was sleeping at that time we were in this station. If not, we would definitely get him to try. But...Danielle was AWAKE!! (Muahahaha.... *evil laughter*)

So here's is Danielle's!

This was her original photo.

Here's her baby photo (which I do not understand why it would be any different from her face now since she is still 0 years old)

her teenager photo..(which does look like me when I was a teenager!)

her young adult photo..

And lastly, her older adult photo (which I find it still acceptable-not too ghastly).

Well, guess you cant rely much on this computer. But nevertheless, we had loads of fun and laughter from this.

At the end of it all, we wanted Caleb to play in the water area which seemed so much fun. But too bad, he was sleeping so nicely. So we went home after that instead. And moreover, it was almost 5pm already and we wanted to beat the peak hour jam.

We went for dinner at Serangoon Gardens Chomp Chomp since it was on the way home and it wont be crowded at this time.

We do wish Danielle would be sleeping each time we eat so that we could eat properly. However, she was wide awake and usually when she is awake, she wont like to lie down. So because of that, CT has mastered the art of eating with one hand and holding Danielle on the other. I still havent as I would end up dripping gravy all over her while eating.

We ordered oyster omelette which I havent had for a long time since I was pregnant. Not a big fan of this dish because of the amount of oil and flour but it was nice to indulge once in a blue moon.

Had a great time eating as the crowd has yet to come in. But because of that, CT commented that he doesnt know which stall sells good food since there is nobody lining up. So I told him to look out for newspaper which is probably the next indicator of good food?? Hmm..what do you think?


Anonymous said...

Look for stalls with B or C cleanliness!

My theory is that overly-clean stalls have too much time cleaning up cuz there're no customers to serve, and those with B or C certs are too busy serving customers to clean!

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