Saturday, August 09, 2008

Proud to be a Singaporean

Posted by Dawn at Saturday, August 09, 2008
Every year I always look forward to National Day as it gives me a reason to celebrate, together with the whole of Singapore, my nation's birthday. I also get to hang the Singapore flag up high at my house.

But sad to say, each time I do that, I noticed that my place is either the only one hanging the flag or maybe, there are only about 2-3 households who would do the same.
Of course, hanging up the flag may not be a sign of patriotism (just to comfort myself).

Anyway, I am proud to be a Singaporean and I will get offended and embarrassed if foreigners have a bad impression of the country. I guess I have learnt to appreciate this country more after my trip to US. I have realised how secure I feel in Singapore- no natural disasters, no wars etc. I do not have to worry that any time, I need to pack my belongings and evacuate the country immediately because of an oncoming disaster or something, like what I had to do in US.

I knew that after going on a holiday, I could still return to Singapore and my home would still be around...unlike the worry I had when I was holidaying in Tennessee where I was worried that I would go back to a barren land as it was in the midst of hurricane and the news kept on reporting on where I stayed which of course,didnt help to calm my fears.

And not to mention about the food that I miss each time I am away. And when I return back to Singapore, I would always venture into some hawker centre to gorge into my favourite hokkien mee, chicken rice or roti prata which comes in a very affordable price which I appreciate as well.

All in all, the question still remains- So why then are Singaporeans still complaining and unhappy about?

I think deep down inside, they do appreciate what the government has done and the security they get from staying in this country, but they just seem to treat complaining as their past time and something they do for the sake of doing it, though they know nothing will come out of it.

Oh well, I just hope that these complainers would realise that they do affect the people around them by complaining and at the end of the day, we all have enough worries and problems of our own...we do not need more grudges and problems.

Nevertheless, happy birthday Singapore and I do pray that the new generation will be more contented and learn to give thanks as well as appreciate and respect all that they have.


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