So, as a parent now, I wonder what are some things that my children will feel secure in. What kind of soft toy wili they carry? Or will it be a nice and soft bolster?
As some of you know, so far, Caleb finds security in his belly button. He HAS to touch it to sleep. Even when he wakes up, you can find him still touching it as he keeps his finger underneath his shirt. I have no idea where he got that habit from as its just so strange.
As for Meimei, so far, she sleeps well with something against her face or head. It could be a pillow, a bolster or blanket. Just as long as her face touches it. She would somehow move and inch her way through to something so that it would touch her face. I think I am a little like her as whenever I sleep, I would hold my bolster close to my face. Hehe.
I really wonder what other sleeping habits do children or adults have. Care to share?
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