Thursday, December 04, 2008

Treasure your loved ones

Posted by Dawn at Thursday, December 04, 2008
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As most people would have known the news about the Mumbai Terrorist Attack last week, I actually have been contemplating whether to post anything of such matter in my blog because of how gloomy this whole event is.

I do intend my blog to be a place where I jog down the happenings of not only about my family but my life and the reflections I make in the process. That is why I named by blog, "Metacognition" which simply means self-awareness that refers to a level of thinking used in situations.

Anyway, I have finally decided to post this up right after I was watching the video of how Ms Lo's husband gave his grieving speech about how they met and the events that lead to the attack and death of his wife. I was grieving with him as anyone would be able to feel how it is to lose a loved one as at some point in your life, you will encounter it and moreover, Ms Lo is the same age as me and only got married last year.

Well I watched the speech by the husband, I was putting myself in the shoes of the husband as well as of the wife and how I would actually react. First, if I put my shoes of the husband and if CT gets captured..would I say and be contented that I had spent the best days and years of my life together already and continue my life with no regrets? Or would I say, if only I had...(blah blah blah)?

Part 1

If I were in the shoes of the wife, would I be calm like her even after being captured? Would I text my husband, family and friends that I loved them very much and be strong?

I remember very vividly on the day of the train accident which I was involved in when I was in Mobile, Alabama and how when the car stopped overturning, I had all the steps in my head as to what to do next. (Think I have to credit it to not only God who has given me peace but also by being a Mathematics major where Mathematics does teach me to be systematic and calm when solving problems or facing obstacles like how I would tell my students)

I checked my dad was beside me and so I went looking for mum to make sure she was ok. At the hospital, I went to the reception counter to make a call to CT who is at work. And I probably sounded more calm that him. I told him that I am not sure whether my dad would make it out alive or not but they are working at it to rescue him from the car as I went to hospital with my mum first.

So being in a traumatic experience, I can understand how everything, though seems impossible to happen, may just happen and how should we react to it is vital to the situation and to the people around you. So how would you have reacted if you were in my shoes or Ms Lo's shoes?

Part 2

How about putting yourself in the shoes of the husband when you found out that your spouse or your loved one is being captured by terrorist and died in the process? Would you be able to say that I had the best moments in my life with this person already and have no regrets and in fact, I am happy that we have actually spent xx no of years together already. Would your cup be half-full by focusing on the time you had already spent with them or half empty by focusing on the years to come that has been lost already and you will be very lonely now?

Like my favourite book of Ecclesiastes in the bible, where it basically talks about life, the search of meaning and how there is a time for everything- "..a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance."

I would definitely feel sad for the lost of my loved ones and on the other hand, I have to remember and be thankful of the times we have had together. So the question is- are we living our lives right now such that we leave no room for regrets? Are we loving the people around us as we should? Or are there any grudges or quarrels that you had recently with your loved ones that you now regret having? The strong message from the speech by the husband is to really treasure your loved ones and to enjoy their company before its too late.

Part 3

Anyway, whatever reflections you have after watching these 3 parts of the video, do act upon it and treasure your loved ones-family and friends by sacrificing your life and time to be with one another and enjoy the moment. Life is not all about yourself and satisfying your own needs and wants.

Like to take this opportunity to tell all my friends and family members (including my relatives and my husband's family) that I really love you all and you will always be in my thoughts and prayers.


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