Saturday, April 02, 2005

Flood watch

Posted by Dawn at Saturday, April 02, 2005
For the past few days these week, I started on my Korean drama VCDs which I brought over from Singapore. I knew I had to bring it along because there will not be any shows in a different language other than English here.

During the day, I would watch the news on TV, check my mails, read the bible, surf internet and watch my VCDs. Right now, I am watching this Korean show called, "Loving You". It is a love story between a couple, who went through many obstacles time and time again. It is rather touching and the acting is great. Of course, cant forget about the pretty and handsome actors/actresses. This story talked about the innocence of a girl and how a third party girl who gets in the way and plays in the mind of others to make them think how cunning this innocent girl is. But despite what other people think, this innocent girl still kept her cool and did not bother about them.

It is remindful of what Christ did and how we should all be like Him--long suffering and meekness. Sooner or later, people will know the truth, just like the Korean show. Most of us when accused, becomes so defensive and get heated up easily because they do not like to be wronged. I feel it is a weakness on our part if we get so heated up and start raising up our voices. It is definitely more respectable if one show tolerance.

Whole of yesterday and today, there has been severe thunderstorm. It had been raining,lightning and thunder. This morning as I was watching TV, there was a warning flashed on the TV, making a very loud noise, saying that there is a flood watch warning in my area. I was a bit frightened as I was all alone. But I knew nothing would happen so I continued watching my TV. :)

The rain finally stopped at about 11am. The sun is up now. So happy. I just love the sunshine. Cant wait for summer to come when I can go for a nice swim. There are 3 swimming pools in my apartment. Each pool in one compound. So all blocks are within walking distance to the pool. The pool is about 15m only..good enough!

Whoa. I am finishing my korean 16 disc serial. Took me about 3 days only. It is rather addictive as the episode always end on an exciting note, so I had to carry on inserting the disc to find out what will happen next. Ha.


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