Friday, December 23, 2005


Posted by Dawn at Friday, December 23, 2005
CT has been saying he is still recovering from Jetlag. So funny cos we did not go anywhere that far for a jetlag I feel. Hawaii is 3 hours behind Mobile when it is 10pm here, it is 7pm in we tend to sleep early in Hawaii though it is about 10pm as it is already 1am in Mobile..

I have been cooking for the past few days since we came back and I enjoy it because it is healthier.

When we were away in Hawaii, I taped my Apprentice show as it was last episode. I made use of my DVD recordable and it works perfectly! So happy.

I will be away from 23rd-27th Dec in New York. Yup, spending Christmas there and hopefully, a nice white one. CT and I are quite tired of travelling here and there already..packing and unpacking our luggage. No complains..but just stating a fact. It is tiring to travel.

Pray for the NY transit strike which is still going on. Because of this strike, we do not know how to move around in NY except to walk. Sigh..what a waste of time. Hope we can make it from the airport to our hostel.


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