Caleb and Keelia had a great time playing together since they are of the same age. So here's the birthday gal and Caleb in their sunglasses!
Caleb took a while before he was willing to put on those sunglasses but once he was ready to wear them, he didnt want us to remove it from him anymore.
And as for Keelia, she was wearing it the whole time from the start of the party and posing at the cameras when we all wanted to take a shot of her. Ha.
Well, Danielle also didnt want to be left out. She allowed us to put on the glasses on her but because it was way too big for her, we just left her wear on her head.
It was a nice dinner as there was bee hoon, pizza, sausages
as well as this fried HUGE xiao long bao (which I do not understand why they still call it xiao = small).
Anyway if you are interested to get, I heard you can get it from Tampines 1, Basement 1. Its really nice!
What's a birthday party without birthday cake? (well, actually there are birthday parties without birthday cake! For e.g, my 21st birthday party..I actually got my friend to make me a huge apple pie instead)
Anyway, back to Keelia's birthday...
My other sister-in-law actually made a strawberry cum blueberry cake for Keelia! Its so yummy! Very impressed.
Keelia was of course intrigued by the candle..As for Caleb, we had to hold him back if not he would have kept blowing the candles even before we sang the song.
After eating the cake, Keelia opened her presents and finally, last but not least, she opened the present I got for her.
Ta da! What better present, but a present where all the children could play with it! (or rather, in it!)
Even Danielle had her share of fun!
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