Here she is standing tall with her red, tight gay pants, which I found it cute.
Like Caleb, she enjoys jumping up and down everywhere and anywhere.
And also like Caleb, Danielle has started pushing,at an earlier age, the same ol' red laundry basket which Caleb used to push as well when he was 10 months old(Click on the link to see).
Its amazing how at 8 months, she has already started balancing and 'walking'.
She is definitely developing much faster than Caleb. (What's wrong with the food nowadays? What kind of chemicals did they add to it? ;p)
Another thing she has picked up is to drink from a straw bottle as well. We tried it at my mum's place where she was drinking my dad's water bottle. We were all shocked that she could already drink from a straw.
Here is Danielle drinking and smiling heartily. Think she was also amused at herself for being able to drink water from the straw.
Do you know when I bring the kids out for a walk, people would comment that they look alike. Even one of my neighbours whom I met in the lift said, "Aiyoh, they look like twins."
To a certain extent I agree that they do look alike and guess more people would comment that they are twins if only they knew what similar behaviour they both have.
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