Initially, I couldnt make it for his wedding because I had something on that night, but Colin told me that he wished I was there as its once in a lifetime. Yep..he instilled guilt in me and it worked. So I went...
Before the dinner, was a church ceremony in the museum itself. I enjoyed that as it was simple and sweet. Classic, traditional songs like "Amazing Grace" never failed to touch my heart of what a wretched I am and yet, God came to save me.
After the ceremony, the guests all made their way to the dining room for our dinner. I was surprised that we had to stand to eat (only the older folks and the VIPS could sit) and moreover, the dinner was catered from Elsie's Kitchen! Arrghh.. I felt cheated. My friend told me that I shouldnt even have told Colin that I wont be coming as he would be busy entertaining other guests that my presence wont actually make much a diff.
The queue was so long that we kept eating desserts which wasnt my cup of tea. After a quick dinner and exit, we made our way to IndoChine as there was Drew & Napier Law firm company function there and my friend's hubby used to work there. So we gatecrashed and had free flow of drinks.
Frankly speaking, I did regret quite a bit for going to this dinner as they made us dress formally. They even indicated in the invitation card for all guys to come in suit and ties while women must be in dresses. And in the end of the day, I was made to stand up and eat on a very small table. My friends didnt even eat much as most of the food was gone. I now appreciate Chinese wedding dinners so much more..Moreover, I overpaid this dinner as I thought I would be eating expensive food. Never did I realise the food would be chicken wings, hokkien mee, fried rice, fried wanton and vegetables. Sigh
And if you think I should not be complaining since its the friendship that matters and not the food..while, I hardly spoke to Colin the whole night and so my friend was right to say that I shouldnt have gone as he wouldnt even notice me. I shouldnt have cancelled my appointment which I had.
Glad the function is once in a lifetime...
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