Just before dinner, the children, including Janine went up to the roof garden to play.
Janine is such a big girl already. I cant imagine both Caleb and Danielle becoming her age and size. But then again, Janine is just one year older than Caleb. Can you believe it? Most would think Janine is about 5 years old considering how tall she is.
It has been a while since I last came up to the roof top garden. Noticed a lot of water apples (jambu) growing!
Both Caleb and Janine were playing with each other. They seemed to have a love and hate relationship. One moment they can play like they are best friends and other times, they can end up scolding each other and refusing to share any of their toys. I am glad today is a good day!
Here's what we had for steamboat..
Love veggies!
And much more..
Then there were all kinds of dip. But two special Japanese ones which my mum bought from Daiso. Its quite nice!
As usual, every new year, we would be able to see fireworks just outside my bedroom windows.
Happy New Year to everyone! May we all have a great 2010!
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