Sunday, January 22, 2006

Reunion Dinner

Posted by Dawn at Sunday, January 22, 2006
After I had breakfast with my parents, I went home to bathe and unpack. So many things to unpack from my bags. Though my house was clean since my mum sent the cleaning agency to my house just before I came back, but it was so messy from my stuff...sigh. I hate mess as it makes my life so unsettling.

Anyway, I packed what I could..and as the evening draws near, I went back to my parent's place to get ready for our reunion dinner with our relatives as well. We had it early so as to cather to everyone's busy schedule. I have a cousin who is an air stewardess and so she flies very often, even during Chinese New Year. So, I guess tonight was the best time to have it and since CT and I just came would be great to see my relatives again!

We had great food- BBQ and Steamboat. As expected, my mum prepares a lot! It was endless amount of food. We first started off by tossing the "Lo Hei" which looks so much already, doesn't it?

So after eating that, I was not hungry anymore...For BBQ, there were chicken wings, satay, otah, beef, sausages, corn, sweet potato, prawns and for steamboat, there were 3 diff types of veggies, yong tau foo, mushrooms, chicken meat, fish, bean curd, 'flying saucer', fishballs etc etc...

What a night. Everyone was talking about how full they were and when we stopped eating, some food looked as if they were not touched before! haha..

But anyway, we had loads of fun and a great time as the 'kids' ended off by playing cards which I bought from USA. This card game is called "Loot" and it has won the mensa awards games. Very interesting strategy game about being pirates and looting the gold. Only costs US$4!


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