Today, he had quite a lot of visitors. My whole family (Parents, Brother, Sis in Law and baby Janine) came in the afternoon for lunch. My mum cooked lunch and brought it to my place to have a meal together. Then my bro and Pam stayed on to watch "Freedom Writers" together. A great movie reminding me of the passion of why I went into teaching and the lives I would impact.
Here is a picture of excited cousin, Janine when she saw how small Caleb is. She was trying to pat him.
Today marks the day when CT got his first poo on his shirt! Haha.. Being adventurous and curious, I brought his shirt close to my nose to smell it and guess what? No stench or whatsoever smell at all. In fact, it kinds of smell like orange juice for no reason. Haha..
Close to evening time, CT's family came bringing us dinner. CT's mum brought food to cook in my kitchen and they had a great time staring at Caleb.
Since most of the time I express my breastmilk, CT could do the feeding as well and it is just nice to see him get involved and doing a great job patiently with our little one.
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