So, throughout the whole day today, we kept waking him up at the appropriate times so that he could sleep soundly at night. We used whatever 'torture' methods on him to wake him up- from shaking him, from bouncing him, from rubbing his legs and hands, from putting him legs and hands up and down, from rubbing his face and lips, from talking loudly to him. I know CT's last resort was to put a cold towel on him. Haha..sadistic right?
Anyway, Caleb did a great job waking up. We placed him day time on the infant car seat and he managed to stay awake for quite a while today. Well done Caleb!
So since he was alert, I could take pictures of him...
Here is a picture of Caleb and Tigger.
Since he was awake, I was trying to amuse him with whatever toys I have. But I realised I do not have many toys in my house which I could grab hold of to amuse him at this age. So, I looked all over my house to see what to amuse him with and caught sight of a duckie my colleague gave me for my birthday this year.
So here is the picture of it!
2 comments: farney...a job well done to the new mommy and daddy!
btw, u prob wun need any of those fancy schmancy toys...a bunch of keys or anything shiny/colourful that you can find ard the house may be all that u need to keep him entranced. everything else but their own toys seem more appealing. really.
hi there, I occasionally read your cousin shermaine's blog and read from there that your baby also recently arrived 3 weeks early. congrats to your family, he's so cute. mine also decided to arrive 3 weeks early on the 19july, so thought to drop a note to say hi :)
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