Went church this morning to Faith Community Church (FCC). Was pretty excited because Pastor Benny Ho was speaking. I love his sermons because it gives me a fresh new perspective on a passage in the bible which I may be familiar with. When entering the church, you feel like you are back in Singapore because everyone is either Malaysian or Singaporean.
His sermon was on Hebrews 12 about having perseverance to run the race as we fix our eyes on Jesus. What I learnt from his is that our life here is not a sprint and not a marathon, but a marathon relay. Its interesting as I always see my life as a marathon as we grow from a baby to adulthood to becoming an elderly. But he gave me a new perspective about viewing life as a marathon relay as we must start thinking of finishing our race well and passing the baton to the next generation for them to run.
That brought to my mind about one night when my cell group leader, Daniel shared about his leaders meeting in church when they played a little game. They asked everyone if they know their fathers and mothers full name. So everyone answered confidently. But when came the next question about whether you know your grandmothers or grandfathers full name, most were stumped. So the whole idea of this game is to make the church leaders think whether they are leaving behind any legacy for the next generation or next next generations to come..Do we want our children and grandchildren and grand grand children to remember us for something great that we did? I sure want to...and by that, I hope they can learn from me and pass that down to their next generations as well.
Though I am ONLY in my late 20s, I feel I have a lot to give and offer and I really want my children, grandchildren etc and even my students to learn important values in life and to also learn from the experiences that I have been through that will shape them to become a more resilient person and more importantly, to understand God's amazing love for each and every one of them.
I know I have been pampered since young...Pampered by my Father's love. Pampered by His blessings on me which I do not deserve at all. I can never thank Him enough and what I can do now to show my appreciation is to educate the next generation and instil Christian values in them.
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