Yesterday was Joyanne's One Month party.
The weather has been rather hot and humid lately that I decided to dress less for the children as both of them are 'hot' babies - they perspire a lot at the slightest heat available in the air.
Do you know whenever Caleb shows such affection to Meimei by kissing her or just leaning his head against her, do you know what is on my mind? I am actually thinking that if I am a girl around Caleb's age, I would probably fall for him. Ha! Because I can see the deep love he has for her sister in his eyes.
Even the volunteers in church who takes care of Caleb in the cradle room also feedback to me that Caleb has a gentle spirit. All I know is Caleb has been bullied quite a lot of times before and he is the sort who would turn the other cheek for the bully to hit him as well....literally!
Anyway, here's meimei showing us how steady she is now at 5 months as she sits by herself.
Oh forgive us for her Mad Scientist hair. I do intend to keep her hair long so that I can tie it up with hair accessories and since she has such nice natural curls.
My mum came to my place to pick us up as CT had to last minute go to work. Was there at my brother's place rather early but it was good as Caleb would not be distracted while eating his lunch.
Relatives and friends slowly streamed in and some also volunteered to carry Meimei for me.
The food was nice and I had an enjoyable time catching up with friends and relatives.
As for today, we attended Phoebe's 5th birthday party! And once again, I was the earliest as I went right after my church service which was quite nearby.
Just a few days back, I bought for CT a tee-shirt for Fathers' Day. (I know its a liiiitle tooooo early for that) but I was quite excited to get it when I first saw it. And when the parcel arrived, I was also so excited to pass to CT to open it up (I def couldnt wait till June) and quickly told him to wear it soon! So this morning, he finally wore it, together with Caleb!
As we were too early, CT and I walked around with Meimei as Caleb was busy having his lunch.
As usual for birthday parties, I always look forward to seeing the cake as nowadays, cakes are getting more and more fanciful.
So, I was pretty excited to look at Phoebe's! Here it is!
Food was excellent as we had Pizza, Macs, and KFC! At least, a change from catered food!
Phoebe's classmates were invited and it was cute seeing them gather together to eat their Happy Meals.
Over lunch, I was talking to my bro discussing whether we will hold such parties for our children. Actually, I do not know. All I know is that it wasnt easy for Marianne to entertain those children and she did a great job playing games with them and booking the theatre for them to watch movie (No, not the public cinema, but their condo has a mini theatre! How cool is that?!)
Happy Birthday Phoebe! Hope you enjoyed your party and the many presents that you received!
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